good art
forest of cobweb
turbo-tropics, project-room neukölln, berlin 2005
the work consists of 120 parts, which were installed in a room and represent a forest
collages of copies, tape, various plastic materials, paper and colour
the kurosawa film "thrones of blood" constitutes the background and visual material for this installation. "thrones of blood" is based upon the drama by shakespeare: macbeth. It is a european story, which is transported into the japanese culture and simultaneously transformed. the latter bears its own movement and change, but it becomes artificially manipulated. the trees of the forest are cleared up and used by humans to camouflage. each person fastens a tree on their backs and moves in the fog towards the fortress. the cobweb forest moves. the work "forest of cobweb" pauses for a moment and examines the individual trees and their potential for transformation.